Using the skills covered in the unit, the students will create their own map and describe their map in writing. The students will then write questions about their map for another student to answer. You may want to have the students work on their own or in pairs.
| Introduction to Map Skills | Making the Map | After Making the Map Activities | Teacher Resources |
(Click here for printable version)
Day 1:
1. Students should bring in different kinds of maps to share with the class.
These maps can include road, amusement park, museum, etc.
2. Using the video “Understanding and Using Maps and Globes” view
the segment "What are Maps and How Do We Use Them?"
3. Share and discuss the different kinds of maps and what their uses could be.
Day 2:
1. Using the video “Finding Your Way Using Maps and Globes” view
the segment "Cardinal Directions North, South, East, and West." While
the students are watching the video they should determine the information needed
to answer the question posed. Question- What are the cardinal directions?
2. After the short video, review the answer with the students.
3. Complete cardinal directions on the compass rose (see
attached). Then discuss with the students the need for directions other
than north, south, east, and west. Have students stand in the cardinal locations
in the room (N, S, E, W) and students in the intermediate locations in the room
(NE, NW, SE, SW). How do we explain where they are located by using directions?
The students will determine that need in between directions. Have the students
complete the compass rose.
4. Using a labeled world map, the students will use the compass rose to locate
reinforce direction (see attached).
Day 3:
1. Using the video “Finding Your Way Using Maps and Globes” view
the segment "How Symbols Help Us Use Maps." While the students are
watching the video they should listen and determine the information needed to
answer the question posed. Question- What is a symbol? Give an example of a
symbol that may be used.
2. After the short video, review the answer with the students.
3. Students should complete independent work supporting the use of symbols and
legends (file 1, file 2,
file 3).
Day 4:
1. View the short video on “Finding Your Way Using Maps and Globes”
watch the segment "Scale and Distance." While the students are watching
the video they should listen and determine the information needed to answer
the question posed. Question- Why are scales important?
2. After the short video, review the answer with the students.
3. Students should complete independent work supporting the use of scale (file
1, file 2, file 3, file
Day 5:
1. View the short video on “Understanding and Using Maps and Globes”
watch the segment "Finding Location with the Grid System." While the
students are watching the video they should listen and determine the information
needed to answer the question posed. Question- What can you use to locate a
specific city?
2. After the short video, review the answer with the students.
3. Students should complete independent work supporting the use of grids (file
1, file 2, file 3).
* Note: For best results have students use marker for final draft.