
Japanese Geography Button
Early Japan Button
Nara and Heian Period Button
Kamakura Period Button
Muromachi Period Button
Azuchi-Momoyama Period Button
Edo Period Button
Meiji Period Button
Taisho Period Button
Early Showa and World War II Button
Postwar Period Button
Dictionary of Terms
Virtual Japan Webquest Button
Sources Button

This web site was compiled using information from the following web sites.

By Heather Daugherty

The Zaibatsu of Japan by Thayer Watkins

San Jose State University


Matsushita Center for Electronic Learning

Pacific University

The Tale of Murasaki Web site

by Liza Dalby

Toji Temple

S. Kathleen Kitao and Kenji Kitao

by Maria Christensen

The January 17, 1995 Kobe Earthquake

EQE International

by Takato NATSUI

Emperors of the Sangoku, the "Three Kingdoms," of India, China, & Japan

by Kelly L. Ross, PhD.

Ron Turner


Ancient Japan

Washington State University

JGuide Stanford University

City of Yokohama

Schoenherr's World War II Timeline

UCLA Center for East Asian Studies

University of Oregon
C Epstein

Asia for Educators
(Columbia University)

Library of Congress
Country Studies

Asian History

University of Texas

Making Japanese Through War and Peace, Part Two

Penn State


Mrs. O'Donnell's Main Page Button

to return to Mrs. O'Donnell's Home Page.

"Maintained according to the Lakeland Central School District Web Page Policies and Guidelines."
“Clicking on the above links will direct you to site(s) outside the Lakeland Central School District and the Lakeland High School server. The Lakeland Central School District is not responsible for contents on external sites and servers, nor does the district endorse the sponsors or advertising on these sites.” This site was designed and maintained by Maureen O'Donnell, a teacher at Lakeland High School.

July 2005 Created - | Wednesday, August 3, 2005 Last Revised -