Iowa State Quarter Design
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The Iowa state quarter was the 29th state quarter to be released by the U.S. Mint. Iowa became a state on December 28, 1846, and the Iowa quarter was the 4th one to be released in the year of 2004. The design of this quarter came from a famous artist’s painting. The artist was Grant Wood. A 16-member group chose Grant Wood’s design, and Governor Thomas J. Vilsack made the final decision. On the state quarter of Iowa you will see a one-room schoolhouse with two students and a teacher watering a tree. It shows that taking care of the environment and farming is very important in Iowa. The schoolhouse is important because when Iowa became a state in 1846, it already had a lot of schools. The words “Foundation in Education” mean that Iowa is a state where education is very important to the people.

created April 1, 2009