Western Meadowlark
Goldenrod Cottonwood tree State flag
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State Bird
Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark

The Western Meadowlark is eight inches tall with yellow, white and brown feathers. It lives in grassy fields or meadows. It has a lot of songs that are peaceful. The Western Meadowlark is known for its colorful blend of colors. The Western Meadowlark is important in the state of Nebraska because of its unique behaviors, which are good. That means they won’t bother people. The Western Meadowlark became the state bird of Nebraska on March 22, 1929.

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State Flower


The Goldenrod is 2 or 3 feet tall with yellow petals. It grows in fields, roadsides and salt marshes. The Goldenrod is known for its beauty and for hay fever. The Goldenrod is important in the state of Nebraska because it adds beauty to fields, roadsides and salt marshes. The Goldenrod became the sate flower of Nebraska on April 4, 1895.

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State Tree


The Cottonwood is 100 feet tall with green leaves. It grows in rivers, streams and around lakes. The Cottonwood is used for lumber and is planted in rows to protect areas from wind. The Dutch Elm disease has killed many of these trees. The Cottonwood is important in the state of Nebraska because George Washington sat under a Cottonwood tree when he was in the army. The Cottonwood became the state tree of Nebraska on February 15, 1937.
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State Flag
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State flag

The Nebraska flag has a blue background with the state seal in the center. On the seal there is a picture of a blacksmith. Being a blacksmith was an important job back in the early days, because there was a lot of metal in Nebraska. There is also a picture of a farm, trees, and a sheave of wheat. This is important in the state of Nebraska because they grow a lot of wheat. There is also a picture of a train and a steamboat. They have been two important forms of transportation in Nebraska, which helped early settlers get to the Rocky Mountains, which are also shown in the background. The objects on this state’s quarter show that Nebraska is a busy state. That means there’s a lot going on there. The Nebraska flag was adopted in 1925.

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created June 2009
by: Eric and Julia