Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
is about the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. The colors are pearly
gray, white, scarlet, and sooty black. Its habitats are open
prairies, tree lined roads, fences, and limbs of trees. Its
unique behavior is the sky dance. After it climbs 100 feet
in the air it flies down in a zigzag path. Its scientific name
is the muscivoria forficata. The date it was adopted was May
5, 1951.
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State Flower
Oklahoma Rose/Mistletoe

has two state flowers. One of them is the Mistletoe. This flower
is found on trees
around the state. The leaves on the mistletoe are green, and there
are white berries that grow on it. The season of bloom is in the
fall. The scientific name is Phoradendron Serotinum. Oklahoma would
have picked a different flower but they thought Kansas already
picked it, so they picked the Mistletoe. The Mistletoe was adopted
in 1893.
other state flower is the Oklahoma Rose. The colors are red
and green. The scientific name is Rosa Odarata. The reason for
selection was gardeners could make tea with the leaves. The Oklahoma
Rose is a hybrid tea plant that was created in 1964 by two scientists
named Herbert C. Swim and O.L. Weeks. The Oklahoma rose was adopted
in 2004.
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