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What historic document was hidden in the "Charter Oak Tree" that is pictured on the Connecticut State Quarter?
Declaration of Independence
United States Constitution
Fundamental Orders
Royal Charter
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What is the man pictured on the Vermont State Quarter doing?
climbing Camel Hump Mountain
tapping Maple trees to get maple syrup
cutting down the evergreens found in the Green Mountain range
fighting the British during the Revolutionary War
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What is "The Old Man of the Mountain" pictured on the New Hampshire State Quarter?
a wood carving made by General George Washington
a portrait of General John Stark
a rock pattern that looks like the face of an old man located on Mt. Cannon
a statue located on the Capitol building
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What is the state motto shown on the Georgia State Quarter?
"Wisdom, Justice, Moderation"
"Freedom and Unity"
"Live Free or Die"
"Virtue, Liberty, Independence"
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What is the name of the statue that is pictured on the Pennsylvania State Quarter?
Statue of Freedom
State of Liberty
Revolutionary War Minuteman
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What is the name of the bridge that is pictured on the Rhode Island State Quarter?
George Washington Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
Claiborne Pell Bridge
William S. Ritchie Bridge

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What general is standing in the boat pictured on the New Jersey State Quarter?
Thomas Jefferson
Ben Franklin
Caesar Rodney
George Washington
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Why is there an astronaut pictured on the Ohio State Quarter?
There are many factories in Ohio that make rockets.
NASA is located in Ohio.
There is an astronaut college located in Ohio.
Two famous astronauts, Neil Armstrong and John Glenn, were born in Ohio.
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What is the name of the first airplane built by the Wright Brothers which is pictured on the North Carolina State Quarter?
"First Flight"
"Kill Devil Hills"
"Orville and Wilbur"

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What building with a dome on top is pictured on the Maryland State Quarter?
Maryland's Statehouse
Maryland's Courthouse
United States Naval Academy
United States Capitol
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What are the three instruments pictured on the Tennessee State Quarter?
drums, guitar, and saxaphone
clarinet, fiddle, and drums
tuba, trumpet, and guitar
fiddle, guitar, and trumpet
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What is engraved on the tablet the Statue of Liberty holds, which is pictured on the New York State Quarter?
the words "Declaration of Independence"
July 4, 1776
United States of America
Gateway To Freedom

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What city does the star represent on the Massachussetts State Quarter?
Concord, Massachusetts
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts
Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Why are the words "The First State" shown on the Delaware State Quarter?
Delaware was the first state to have pilgrims settle on its land.
Delaware was the first state to have a school.
Delaware was the first state to be against slavery.
Delaware was the first state to join the union.
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What do the words "My Old Kentucky Home" mean, which are shown on the Kentucky State Quarter?
Kentucky's state motto
Kentucky's state song
The words are on Kentucky's state flag.
The words are inscribed on Kentucky's statehouse.
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What are the three objects on the Virgina State Quarter?
three flags
three stars
three ships
three branches

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What is the name of South Carolina's state tree which is pictured on its state quarter?

Flowering Dogwood
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