What is the state motto shown on the Georgia State Quarter? "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation" "Freedom and Unity" "Live Free or Die" "Virtue, Liberty, Independence" Click on the star, if you are not sure. Use your back button in your browser to get back to this page.
What is the name of the first airplane built by the Wright Brothers which is pictured on the North Carolina State Quarter? "First Flight" "Flyer" "Kill Devil Hills" "Orville and Wilbur"
Why are the words "The First State" shown on the Delaware State Quarter? Delaware was the first state to have pilgrims settle on its land. Delaware was the first state to have a school. Delaware was the first state to be against slavery. Delaware was the first state to join the union. Click on the star, if you are not sure. Use your back button in your browser to get back to this page.
What are the three objects on the Virgina State Quarter? three flags three stars three ships three branches
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