A - D
list of words with their definitions |
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An agency is a business or organization.
cars - Armored cars are huge cars or trucks that are
used for transporting valuable things such as money. The cars have
a strong metal outside which protects the driver and valuables. Articles
of Confederation of 1781 - The Articles of Confederation
of 1781 were an early set of laws for the 13 colonies. It had a
congress, which was the only central government. Each of the colonies
had their own set of laws. Capitol
- The United States Capitol
is the building in Washington, D.C. where Congress meets to make
our nation's laws. Congress - The Congress is the group of people who make the laws of a nation. The United States Congress is made up of two smaller groups called the Senate and the House of Representatives. constitution - A constitution is a written document that explains the basic laws and principals of a government. The United States Constitution explains the laws of our government.currency - Paper money is also called currency. custodian - A custodian is a person that guards, protects, or maintains something. Declaration
of Independence - The Declaration of Independence
is a document that the American colonists wrote and signed to prove
to the King of England that all 13 colonies agreed that they should
have the right to be free. It consists of a preamble, or introduction,
followed by three main parts. dolly - A dolly is a machine with wheels that looks like a fork lift. It carries materials to its destination. It can raise or lower heavy materials onto something. |
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