Glossary I - M
list of words with their definitions
A - D
E - H
N - Q
R - U
V - Z

independence - Independence is the right or ability to be free from the control of others.

judicial branch - The judicial branch of the United States is the part of our government that decides the meaning of laws. It is made up of nine members. They are known as the Supreme Court, which is the highest court of our nation.

legislative branch - The legislative branch of the United States is the part of our government that makes the laws. It is also known as the Congress. The legislative branch is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. When a new law is created we call it legislation.

liberty - Liberty is another word that means the same thing as freedom..

mint - The mint is a place where coins of a country are manufactured under government authority. Today, U.S. Mint buildings located in Philadelphia, PA and Denver, CO produce most of the coins in circulation. The word mint can also be used as a verb, which means to make coins out of metal. Coins are made out of metal so they are minted.

mintmark - A mintmark is a letter on the coin indicating where the coin was made. For example, the letter "P" on a coin tells us the coin was made at the Phildadephia Mint.

motto - A motto is a word, phrase, or sentence inscribed on or attached to a coin, building, or other object. A motto expresses an important idea for a group of people.

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