The quarter, also known as the quarter dollar, has gone through many changes over the years.  In 1796 silver was used to make the first quarters.  By 1873 the government felt the coin was not heavy enough, so more silver was added to give it extra weight.  The Coinage Act of 1965  made another change to the quarter by using copper-nickel instead of silver.  But, to our eyes the quarter still looks like it’s made of shiny silver! 
Lady Liberty Quarter
Roll your mouse over the quarter
to see another quarter.
How did the quarter get its looks?  It was the Mint Act of April 2, 1792 that gave the quarter its first design.  Some of the coin’s features were: the year it was minted, a picture of  Lady Liberty (a female figure symbolizing liberty), and the word "Liberty" on the obverse (front) side.   On the reverse (back) side an eagle and the words "United States of America" appeared. 

The U.S. Mint changed the way the quarter looked many times over the years.  During the 115 years that Lady Liberty, was on the quarter, she went through many different looks.  Perhaps to keep up with fashion!  For instance, her hair was originally flowing. 

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